DAG datatype generator


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access by value


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access type


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aggregate datatype


An aggregate datatype is a generated datatype, each of whose values is, in principle, made up of values of the parametric datatypes. The parametric datatypes of an aggregate datatype or its generator are also called component datatypes. [ISO11404]

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aggregate datatype generator


An aggregate datatype generator generates a datatype by - applying an algorithmic procedure to the value spaces of its component datatypes to yield the value space of the aggregate datatype, and - providing a set of characterizing operations specific to the generator. [ISO11404]

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aggregate field component


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aggregate generator facet


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aggregate size


The size of an aggregate-value is the number of component values it contains. The size of the aggregate datatype is fixed, if and only if all values in its value space contain the same number of component values. The size is variable, if different values of the aggregate datatype may have different numbers of component values. Variability is the more general case; fixed-size is a constraint. [ISO11404]

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aggregate-imposed identifier uniqueness


An aggregate-value has the identifier uniqueness property if and only if no identifier (e.g., label, index) of the element datatype occurs more than once in the aggregate-value. The aggregate datatype has the identifier uniqueness property, if and only if all values in its value space do. [ISO11404]

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aggregate-imposed ordering


An aggregate datatype has the ordering property, if and only if there is a canonical first element of each nonempty value in its value-space. This ordering is (externally) imposed by the aggregate value, as distinct from the value-space of the element datatype itself being (internally) ordered. It is also distinct from the value-space of the aggregate datatype being ordered. [ISO11404]

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alternative component


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alternative list


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alternative type


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array datatype


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array datatype generator


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attribute component


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attribute identifier


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attribute list


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bag datatype generator


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base type


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bit is the datatype representing the finite field of two symbols designated 0, the additive identity, and 1, the multiplicative identity. [ISO11404]

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bit string


bitstring is the datatype of variable-length strings of binary digits. [ISO11404]

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boolean datatype


boolean is the mathematical datatype associated with two-valued logic. [ISO11404]

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A datatype is said to be bounded above if it is ordered and there is a value U in the value space such that, for all values s in the value space, s ≤ U . The value U is then said to be an upper bound of the value space. Similarly, a datatype is said to be bounded below if it is ordered and there is a value L in the space such that, for all values s in the value space, L ≤ s . The value L is then said to be a lower bound of the value space. A datatype is said to be bounded if its value space has both an upper bound and a lower bound. [ISO11404]

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A value space has the mathematical concept of cardinality: it may be finite, denumerably infinite (countable), or non-denumerably infinite (uncountable). A datatype is said to have the cardinality of its value space. In the computational model, there are three significant cases: - datatypes whose value spaces are finite, - datatypes whose value spaces are exact and denumerably infinite, - datatypes whose value spaces are approximate, and therefore have a finite or denumerably infinite computational model, although the conceptual value space may be non-denumerably infinite. Every conceptually finite datatype is necessarily exact. No computational datatype is non-denumerably infinite. [ISO11404]

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character datatype


character is a family of datatypes whose value spaces are character-sets. [ISO11404]

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character set identifier


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character string


character string is a family of datatypes which represent strings of symbols from standard character-sets. [ISO11404]

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choice datatype


Choice generates a datatype called a choice datatype, each of whose values is a single value from any of a set of alternative datatypes. The alternative datatypes of a choice datatype are logically distinguished by their correspondence to values of another datatype, called the tag datatype. [ISO11404]

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choice datatype generator


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class datatype


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class datatype generator


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complex datatype


complex is a family of datatypes, each of which is a computational approximation to the mathematical datatype comprising the “complex numbers”. Specifically, each complex datatype designates a collection of mathematical complex values which are known to certain applications to some finite precision and must be distinguishable to at least that precision in those applications.

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component mandatoriness


The components of an aggregate datatype may not all be required to have a valid value of the datatype, i.e., the actual value space of the datatype may include values for which some of the component values are unspecified. When a component of the datatype is required to have a valid value in order for the aggregate value to be a valid value of the datatype, the component is said to be a mandatory component. When a component of the datatype is not required to have a valid value in order for the aggregate value to be a valid value of the datatype, the component is said to be an optional component. [ISO 11404]

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component mandatory


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component optional


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set of distinct values, characterized by properties of those values, and by operations on those values. [ISO11404]

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datatype facet


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datatype generator


Operation on datatypes, as objects distinct from their values, that generates new datatypes. [ISO11404]

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datatype role


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date and time datatype


Time is a family of datatypes whose values are points in time to various common resolutions: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and fractions thereof. [ISO11404]

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defined datatype


Datatype defined by a type-declaration. [ISO11404]

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defined datatype parameter


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defined datatype parameter list


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defined generator


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defined generator parameter


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defined generator parameter list


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descriptive field identifier


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direct access


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directed acyclic graph datatype


synonyms: DAG datatype

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directed labeled graph datatype generator


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direction in


synonyms: in

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direction out


synonyms: out

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edge component


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enumerated datatype


enumerated is a family of datatypes, each of which comprises a finite number of distinguished values having an intrinsic order. [ISO11404]

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enumerated value identifier


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enumerated value list


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In every value space there is a notion of equality, for which the following rules hold: - for any two instances (a, b) of values from the value space, either a is equal to b, denoted a = b , or a is not equal to b, denoted a ≠ b ; - there is no pair of instances (a, b) of values from the value space such that both a = b and a ≠ b ; - for every value a from the value space, a = a ; - for any two instances (a, b) of values from the value space, a = b if and only if b = a ; - for any three instances (a, b, c) of values from the value space, if a = b and b = c , then a = c . On every datatype, the operation Equal is defined in terms of the equality property of the value space, by: - for any values a, b drawn from the value space, Equal(a,b) is true if a = b , and false otherwise. [ISO11404]

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The computational model of a datatype may limit the degree to which values of the datatype can be distinguished. If every value in the value space of the conceptual datatype is distinguishable in the computational model from every other value in the value space, then the datatype is said to be exact. Certain mathematical datatypes having values which do not have finite representations are said to be approximate, in the following sense: Let M be the mathematical datatype and C be the corresponding computational datatype, and let P be the mapping from the value space of M to the value space of C . Then for every value v' in C , there is a corresponding value v in M and a real value h such that P(x) = v' for all x in M such that v − x < h . That is, v' is the approximation in C to all values in M which are “within distance h of value v ”. Furthermore, for at least one value v' in C , there is more than one value y in M such that P( y) = v' . And thus C is not an exact model of M . In this International Standard, all approximate datatypes have computational models which specify, via parametric values, a degree of approximation, that is, they require a certain minimum set of values of the mathematical datatype to be distinguishable in the computational datatype. [ISO11404]

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excluding subtype generator


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explict subtype generator


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extended datatype


synonyms: subtype

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extended value identifier


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extended value list


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extending subtype generator


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field component


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field identifier


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field list


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fixed size


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generated datatype


Datatype defined by the application of a datatype generator to one or more previously-defined datatypes. [ISO11404]

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generated datatype generator


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graph aggregate component


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heterogenous aggregate datatype


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heterogenous aggregate datatype generator


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An aggregate datatype is homogeneous, if and only if all components must belong to a single datatype. If different components may belong to different datatypes, the aggregate datatype is said to be heterogeneous. The component datatype of a homogeneous aggregate is also called the element datatype. [ISO11404]

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homogenous aggregate datatype


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homogenous aggregate datatype generator


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homogenous aggregate datatype generator with variable size


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homogenous aggregate datatype with variable size


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homogenous unordered aggregate datatype generator with variable size


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identifier not unique


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identifier unique


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implementation dependent access


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index access


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index type


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index type list


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indirect access


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integer base type


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integer datatype


integer is the mathematical datatype comprising the exact integral values. [ISO11404]

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key access


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labeled dataset record datatype


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labeled graph datatype


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list specification


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modulo is a family of datatypes derived from Integer by replacing the operations with arithmetic operations using the modulus characteristic. [ISO11404]

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natural number


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node component


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non-aggregate datatype


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non-aggregate datatype generator


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non-directed labeled graph datatype


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non-directed labeled graph generator


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non-numeric ordered primitive datatype


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non-numeric primitive datatype


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non-numeric unordered primitive datatype


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non-unique values


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numeric ordered primitive datatype


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numeric primitive datatype


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A datatype is said to be numeric if its values are conceptually quantities (in some mathematical number system). A datatype whose values do not have this property is said to be non-numeric. [ISO11404]

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object identifier


object identifier is the datatype of “object identifiers”, i.e. values which uniquely identify objects in a (Open Systems Interconnection) communications protocol, using the formal structure defined by Abstract Syntax Notation One (ISO/IEC 8824). [ISO11404]

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octet is the datatype of 8-bit codes, as used for character-sets and private encodings. [ISO11404]

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octet string


octet string is the datatype of variable-length encodings using 8-bit codes. [ISO11404]

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one dimensional


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optional generator


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A value space is said to be ordered if there exists for the value space an order relation, denoted ≤, with the following rules: - for every pair of values (a, b) from the value space, either a ≤ b or b ≤ a , or both; - for any two values (a, b) from the value space, if a ≤ b and b ≤ a , then a = b ; - for any three values (a, b, c) from the value space, if a ≤ b and b ≤ c , then a ≤ c . For convenience, the notation a < b is used herein to denote the simultaneous relationships: a ≤ b and a ≠ b . A datatype is said to be ordered if an order relation is defined on its value space. A corresponding characterizing operation, called InOrder, is then defined by: - for any two values (a, b) from the value space, InOrder(a, b) is true if a ≤ b , and false otherwise. [ISO11404]

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ordered aggregate


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ordinal datatype


ordinal is the datatype of the ordinal numbers, as distinct from the quantifying numbers (datatype integer). ordinal is the infinite enumerated datatype. [ISO11404]

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parameter identifier


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pointer datatype


pointer generates a datatype, called a pointer datatype, each of whose values constitutes a means of reference to values of another datatype, designated the element datatype. The values of a pointer datatype are atomic. [ISO11404]

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pointer datatype generator


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pointer element type


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position access


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positive integer datatype


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positive integer range subtype generator


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primitive datatype


Identifiable datatype that cannot be decomposed into other identifiable datatypes without loss of all semantics associated with the datatype. [ISO11404]

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primitive field component


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A private datatype represents an application-defined value-space and operation set which are intentionally concealed from certain processing entities. [ISO11404]

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procedure datatype


procedure generates a datatype, called a procedure datatype, each of whose values is an operation on values of other datatypes, designated the parameter datatypes. That is, a procedure datatype comprises the set of all operations on values of a particular collection of datatypes. All values of a procedure datatype are conceptually atomic. [ISO11404]

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procedure datatype generator


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procedure parameter declaration


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procedure parameter list


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range subtype generator


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rational datatype


Rational is the mathematical datatype comprising the “rational numbers”. [ISO11404]

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real base type


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real datatype


real is a family of datatypes which are computational approximations to the mathematical datatype comprising the “real numbers”. Specifically, each real datatype designates a collection of mathematical real values which are expressed to some finite precision and must be distinguishable to at least that precision. [ISO11404]

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record datatype


synonyms: tuple datatype

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record datatype generator


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return parameter specification


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scaled datatype


Scaled is a family of datatypes whose value spaces are subsets of the rational value space, each individual datatype having a fixed denominator, but the scaled datatypes possess the concept of approximate value. [ISO11404]

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select item specification


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select list


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selection subtype generator


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sequence datatype


Sequence generates a datatype, called a sequence datatype, whose values are ordered sequences of values from the element datatype. The ordering is imposed on the values and not intrinsic in the underlying datatype; the same value may occur more than once in a given sequence. [ISO11404]

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sequence datatype generator


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set datatype generator


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size subtype generator


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stack generator


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state base type


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state datatype


State is a family of datatypes, each of which comprises a finite number of distinguished but unordered values. [ISO11404]

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state value identifier


synonyms: discrete value identifier

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state value list


synonyms: discrete value list

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subtype generator


A subtype is a datatype derived from an existing datatype, designated the base datatype, by restricting the value space to a subset of that of the base datatype whilst maintaining all characterizing operations. Subtypes are created by a kind of datatype generator which is unusual in that its only function is to define the relationship between the value spaces of the base datatype and the subtype. [ISO11404]

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table datatype


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table datatype generator


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tag type


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target field identifier


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time interval


timeinterval is a family of datatypes representing elapsed time in seconds or fractions of a second (as opposed to Date-and-time, which represents a point in time). It is a generated datatype derived from a scaled datatype by limiting the operations. [ISO11404]

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tree datatype


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tree datatype generator


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tree generator


© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

defined in:

two dimensional


© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

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© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

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© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

defined in:

unique values


© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

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An aggregate-value has the uniqueness property if and only if no value of the element datatype occurs more than once in the aggregate-value. The aggregate datatype has the uniqueness property, if and only if all values in its value space do. [ISO11404]

© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

defined in:

unlabeled dataset record datatype


© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

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unordered aggregate


© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

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© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

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value space


a value space is the collection of values for a given datatype

  • ISO/IEC 11404:2007(E)

© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

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variable size


© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

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vector datatype


© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

defined in:

vector generator


© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

defined in:

void datatype


void is the datatype representing an object whose presence is syntactically or semantically required, but carries no information in a given instance. [ISO11404]

© Allotrope

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

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